Unit 5 Lesson 18 Charlie Chaplin

发布时间:2009-02-15 00:00:00

内容提要:高中英语教学交流网 http://zshunj.cn

课 题 Unit 5 Lesson 18 Charlie Chaplin
任课教师 高晓慧 年 龄 25 教 龄 4年
学 科 英语 学 历 本科 职称 中教二级
授课班级 高二,十班 授课时间 1998年10月 18日

I. Aims and demands:
1. To grasp the general meaning of the text.
2. To get the students to retell the text.
3. To train the students’ abilities of listening, reading, speaking and understanding.
4. To introduce the life of the famous actor-Charlie Chaplin to the students.
II. Important points:
1. To train the students’ abilities of listening, reading, speaking and understanding.
2. To get the students to retell the text.
3. To get the students to say something about the films by Charlie Chaplin.
III. Difficult points:
To train the students to retell the text fluently.
IV. Teaching methods:
Reading and test
V. Teaching Aid: tape recorder
VI. Teaching Procedures:
Step 1. Revision
1. Check the homework and make some dialogues
Step 2. Presentation
Ask some questions about films and the films by Charlie Chaplin
Step 3. Reading:
1. Read the text for the first time fast and answer some questions about the text.
2. Read the text for the second time carefully and tell some sentences true of false
3. Read the text again and do exercises in P 27-2,3
Step 4 Retelling
Ask the students to retell the text according to the form on the blackboard
Step 5 Consolidation
Ask the students to do exercises in P 94-2,3 to consolidate the text
Step 6 Homework
1. Finish off the Ex. on Wb on P94 and P95
2. Preview Lesson 19

Blackboard Design
Lesson 18 Charlie Chaplin

in 1889 born London
at 5 first acted
at 8 joined a group
at 17 set off for USA
in 1912 a director got his first part
in 1925 the Gold Rush
between 1940 and 1966 made only six films
in 1927 died

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