
发布时间:2013-07-07 18:53:00




第一部分 听力 (满分15分)

第一节:听力理解,选择答案 (共9小题,每小题1分,满分9分)

1--3 C A B     4--6 B B A     7--9 B C A

第二节:听力理解,填写答案 (共3小题,每小题2分,满分6分)

10. The water problem will increase the tension around the world  in  the  next  ten  years.

11. Water  shortages  and  pollution  will probably harm the economic performance.

12. About  70%  of the world’s  fresh  water  is  used  by agriculture.

第二部分:语言知识与技能运用 (满分135分)

第一节:单项选择 每小题1.5分,共10小题,满分15分)

13---17  DCBAC   18---22  BABCD


23---27  DBACC             28---32  AABAC             33---37  DDABB


38—42  BDCAA          43--47  BADBC           48---52  DABCA         53---57  CABBD

第四节:语法填空 (共10小题,每题1.5分,满分15分)

58.with  59.he            60.annoyed             61.the                62.would see         

63.as            64.was         65.happily         66.Sitting          67.what


68. argue / debate                        69. curious             70.  exported  71. protection / defense/defence
72. Unfortunately / Unluckily             73. director    74.  representing / standing for        
75. adults / grown-ups                  76.  length            77.  admission


78. Today I intend (或者plan ) to  finish  reading this book.

79. All the proud memories crowded  _in_  when the brave soldier looked down upon his enemy.

80. It is so hot that most children would   rather stay indoors _than   _play outdoors.

81. He _starred  _in many films _which  _reflected the growth of the teenagers.

82. The fireman found it hard to _get   _close   to  the _burning building.

第七节:基础写作 (共1题,满分15分)

Nowadays, more and more families have private cars. There is no denying that private cars play an important role in our daily life as they bring people comfort and convenience and save much time. Moreover, private cars can promote the development of economy. However, every coin has two sides, and we can’t ignore the fact that the waste gas piped by private cars pollutes the air, which is harmful to people’s health. What’s worse, more and more private cars may lead to more traffic jam and cause more traffic accidents. 

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