
发布时间:2018-09-07 21:33:00




What在从句中可以充当多种成分,之前写过一篇文章What的用法总结,最近发现本届学生对这个问题掌握还是不好,说来也奇怪,在平时答题的时候,作为连词答案What这个选项几乎都是被忽略的。学生几乎想到它。但是一给出答案,他们有会恍然大悟。在备课时,觉得这些讲解是不够的,于是决定先收集手头上资料书练习题中出现的与what 有关的语法题目,然后集中讲练结合。

You're late but you're here and that's what counts.

I will go to the library as soon as I finish what I am doing.

Etiquette 礼仪  is to society what clothing is to the individual.

When a new couple is engaged, what follows is a choice of the date of their marriage.

Not knowing what to say, I stood up and invited her for a dance.

If an adventurous holiday is what one is after ,then a hike along Shudao should not be missed.

Such stories set up thinking, wondering what we should do under similar circumstances.  What happiness should we find in reviewing the past, and what regrets?

I encourage you to go out to follow some path or sidewalk and discoverwhat fall means to you.

Carrying the bag around with them made students get to know what a weight they were carrying in their minds.

What makes the idea so special?

Grandma! Look at what I found!

It was remarkable to step back in time and get an idea of what China might have looked like all those years ago.

However, what impressed me most is the International Spy Museum, which I visited  on the third day of the trip.

They deserve your attention, even if what you do is smile and say hello.

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