
发布时间:2019-09-19 11:07:00





Woke up this morning,  

Found myself craving,

Some hong shaorou , hong shaorou, hong shaorou

so warm and tender

so rich  in  fragrant 

a classic Chinese red braised pork

let your pork belly  sculpt into pieces 

oh, hong shaorou , hong shaorou, hong shaorou

now let your more time to another texture.

and let it rest down  till it is  cool.

fry a  romantics  

these smells are heaven, 

oh, hong shaorou , hong shaorou, hong shaorou , 

reach the belly

cover with water, 

Sugar and sauces  also fine, 

Bring it to a simmer

for one full hour.

oh, hong shaorou , hong shaorou, hong shaorou

We take time

reduce liquid until it's creamy, 

and see me how to hong shaorou

so warm and tender

so rich  in fragrant 

a classic Chinese red braised pork




Woke up this morning

Found myself craving

Some 红烧肉红烧肉红烧肉

So warm and tender

So rich and fragrant

A classic Chinese Red-braised Pork

Blanch your pork belly into pieces

Oh 红烧肉红烧肉红烧肉

Now blanch it one more time till now that texture

And let it rest down till it's cold

Fry aromatics

This smell of heaven

Oh 红烧肉红烧肉红烧肉

Return the belly

Cover with water

Sugar and sauces all so fine

Bring to a simmer

For one full hour

Oh 红烧肉红烧肉

it takes time

Reduce the liquid until it's creamy

And singing “How to 红烧肉”

So warm and tender

So rich and fragrant

A classic Chinese Red-braised Pork

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