B4U2 working the land 教学设计及反思

发布时间:2010-05-14 15:16:00

内容提要:这是在网络上转载到的  2007年浙江省高中英语课堂教学评比获奖选手教学设计及教学反思

  2007 浙江省高中课堂教学评比活动点评提纲

  浙江省教育学会外语教学分会秘书长、浙江省英语特级教师  夏谷鸣

  标题:   Reading for What and How to Read

  The First Question: Reading for what?

  "Reading for what

  -   Reading for language

  –  Reading for words

  –  Reading for structure

  –  Reading for sense

  "  Reading for reading

  –  Reading for technique

  –  Reading for strategy

  –  Reading for skill

  "   Reading for culture

  –  Reading for information

  –  Reading for thinking

  –  Reading for life

  The Second Question: How to read?

  " How to read

  Pre-class performance

  Understanding of the four factors

  " Understanding of students

  " Understanding of teachers

  " Understanding of materials

  " Understanding of milieu

  -Classroom performance designing

  " Material choosing

  " Objective setting

  " Criteria setting

  " Process designing

  " In-class Performance

  -Pre-reading performance

  " Stimulation of schemata

  -While-reading performance

  " Up-down

  " Bottom-up

  Understanding of information

  -Post-reading performance

  " Questioning

  " Discussing

  " Debating

  Understanding of thinking

  "Post-reading performance




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