Giant Pandas: The Last Refuge / 大熊猫最后的家园

发布时间:2011-03-06 22:13:00

内容提要:In remote mountains of central China, moisture, born on the monsoons, nurtures a forest world of isolation and mystery. 

  In remote mountains of central China, moisture, born on the monsoons, nurtures a forest world of isolation and mystery. Across ages, bamboo has flourished in the persistent mists, erecting nearly impenetrable thickets—barriers against time and the outside world.
  小析:对汉语之美的认识程度,直接影响译文之质量。译文将原句中的一个名词barriers译成了“竹屏”,有创意焉。值得一提的是,against time and the outside world被改译成“阻隔了时空,阻隔了外界”,且置于句末,有骈俪之美,兼音韵之美。
  Though its image is known to millions, the Giant Panda has kept its life in the wild hidden from humans. The species clings precariously to existence. Only about twelve hundred remain. In captivity, pandas have not reproduced enough to increase or even maintain their population. If the species is to be saved, we must understand and protect the secret life of pandas in the wild.
  The Qinling Mountains, rugged divide between northern and southern China, and one of the last retreats of the Giant Panda. Concealed by dense foliage and its own distinctive color pattern, the panda is literally hidden here. In the panda’s world, nothing is quite what it seems. The clown-like mask elicits instant human affection, but it’s probably seen as a threat by other animals—one of the panda’s many subtle defenses.
  横亘于华北和华南间的逶迤的秦岭山脉是大熊猫最后的藏身地之一。大熊猫在此依靠浓密森林和自身独特斑纹的庇护,过着隐居生活。在大熊猫的世界里,表面现象不能说明任何问题。大熊猫丑角般的面容,让人一见而生爱怜,却让别的动物一见而生惧怯 – 这也许可以算是大熊猫众多自卫绝招之一吧。
  此外,原句之In the panda’s world, nothing is quite what it seems.堪称佳句,隐含哲理。相应的汉语(表面现象不能说明任何问题)则在语体上与原句基本上铢两悉称。
  Pandas are shy and seldom aggressive. When one is seen, it is usually retreating.  They are solitary animals, rarely together, but they are aware of each other, keeping in touch by sound and especially scent. Their social lives consist largely of reading and leaving scent marks. Rubbing its scent glands on trees and rocks, a panda says, “Here I am,” or, “There I was.”
  小析:翻译亦创造。原句的亮点在于段末:a panda says, “Here I am,” or, “There I was.” 写活了大熊猫之可爱活泼,译文仅仅添加了两个叹词(嘿/ 哦),表达顿时鲜活起来。
  当然,美还系于行文的逻辑感,原句里的一个不显眼的 but,译成了“尽管如此”,读来便别有韵味。
  Almost exclusively, Giant Pandas eat bamboo. Equipped with a unique sixth digit, ideal for eating bamboo, pandas have been shaped by evolution for this life-sustaining activity. They consume up to 80 pounds of bamboo a day, with great technique and efficiency. But they’re finicky about this monotonous diet. They eat different parts of the bamboo in different seasons. Sometimes they prefer the tender leaves and shoots, while, at other times, it’s the tough, woody stems they crave. It’s a lot of work for little reward. Only about 17 percent is digested, so pandas must eat relentlessly—up to 14 hours a day. They eat till they’re full, then sleep wherever they are until they awaken, hungry again.
  大熊猫几乎非竹不食。那独特的六趾是食竹的理想“装备”,自然界的生存进化造就了现在的大熊猫。大熊猫一天要消耗80磅的竹子,它们食技精湛,效率超常。然而,大熊猫不仅挑食,而且挑剔。季节不同,大熊猫所食的竹子的部位也不同。有时,它们偏爱嫩叶和竹笋,有时,又贪食坚硬的竹茎。这可是一件吃力不讨好的活儿,只有约17%的“胃纳”能被消化,因此,大熊猫只能吃个不停 – 一天要吃上14个小时。它们吃饱了,倒地就睡,直到饿醒。
  小析:美哉,汉语之四字句!试读译文中的 -- 非竹不食 / 食技精湛 / 效率超常 / 不仅挑食 / 而且挑剔 / 吃个不停 / 倒地就睡 / 直到饿醒。
  值得我们注意的是,四字句,不仅美在外形,而且,美在内涵。比如“不仅挑食,而且挑剔”,构成了汉语的“双声”(类似英语的alliteration),而且更精确地译出了But they’re finicky about this monotonous diet之赅意。另外,“倒地就睡,直到饿醒”之简洁美,略胜原句(then sleep wherever they are until they awaken, hungry again)。
  But young pandas are the exception. To survive, they must learn about the world. They must play. Seemingly vulnerable, the panda has endured while other, more formidable, mammals have become extinct. Its margin of safety is narrow, but for millions of years, it has been sufficient. Yet an understanding of how the wild panda survives has been as elusive as the animal itself.
  小析:原句中的一个形容词 – formidable,如何译是好?值得思考好的译文,必然善“蜕变”,能“跳出”。所谓“蜕变”,即能求其神似,所谓“跳出”,即能进入化境。译文既译出了formidable可怕的形象,又译出其强大的实质,且多了份形象感!对于译者而言,岂非一种翻译之享受?

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