
发布时间:2018-12-06 19:54:00


Hello ladies and gentleman, boys and girls.This Lay Zhang, now I'm in Buzzfeed. So glad to see you guys.

Hi!When I was six years old,at that time is my first play the piano but I don't like it.

My mom told me, "Hey, you have to do it. You have to do it."

No I don't like it but when I was 14 years old I realized oh my gosh, music is very important for(to) my life.

Shuaishuai, Means handsome, handsome.My mom gives me the name.

Maybe it's Michael Jackson Billie Jean, the very big one.Yeah, I have a cat,when I was 17 years old.

In 2008 I went to Korea to be at training so I gave the cat to friends.

Sorry, I just called it cat.Oh my gosh, don't have name yeah.

For sure just called the cat, hi cat.In Chinese Mao

I'm so sorry about this,the cat don't have a name.Oh my gosh.

I composed one song talk about(called), just talk about weather.It's not a dope song.

Okay next question:Go toilet.

It's a very big country and everybody looks good. Everybody looks different, yeah.

I really like New York  Hot Dog, I've always search about(for) New York hot dog.I want to hot dog. Every day I compose music, I make music so I don't have time to  watch the whole thing.

Wow. When I was 13 years old, I performed in Hunan Changsha.That's my hometown. Doing a competition, top three of the TV show.

Very good.

You know, it's hard to say because I just want to use dance be my weapon to get a lot of recognition.When my performance is not bad.Hope you like it.

I buy a house to my mom.

It's very big.My mom when I was young, my  mom gave me a lot of money.

So when I get a lot of money ,I buy a big house to my mom.Mom, you alright.

Good job mom.

I always live in hotel ,so I don't have a apartment.I should got one.I should buy one, yeah.

I make toast very well. You know toast is very delicious.

I think I have a talent about how to make a toast.

It has been a lot of fun.Thank you guys.Bye.

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