
发布时间:2010-11-10 13:19:00

内容提要:3Q指的是360和QQ。今天上英语课时候,想让学生作一个口头翻译,通过翻译帮助掌握英语用法。恰好有几个短语(equip, regret, comment)的可以与最近的360VSQQ事件挂钩。

  You've got Balls, Tencent

  By Zhang Yanlong

  ~So QQ and 360 can no longer run at the same time.

  ~Tencent is giving us the right to choose, that’s fair, I suppose. Sometimes you have to pick a side.

  ~It’s like shopping for vegetables and being forced to choose, gourd or tomato, you can’t have both.

  ~I shouldn’t be upset. Tencent is just doing what a real man does; he treats life like a multiple choice question.

  ~Maybe I should man up too. A real man makes decisions, he doesn’t ask why. Today, it’s “QQ or 360, tomorrow it might be QQ or your audio system;” you just have to choose.

  ~ “Adidas or Nike, PS3 or Wii,” it must be tough being a real man. Maybe it’s good that they all work for Tencent.

  Original Article: [Chinese]

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