
发布时间:2011-05-25 06:54:00

内容提要: 2011广东省肇庆市高考二模英语试题及答案解析





第一节: 完形填空(15小题;每小题2分,满分30)


1. C  根据第二段中,let the younger children splash (泼水) their afternoons away in Grandma’s pool while we stood beside them 可知。

2. D  根据后文shock,及第三段it seems that Jamie    5    down into the deep part可知孩子不见了。

3. A  根据上文safety ledge 安全岩阶,可知是“缓缓地”下延至四英寸的地方。

4. B  根据上文, 孩子在池中玩水,父亲站在旁边会“弄湿”全身。

5. D  根据下文into the deep part可知是不小心“滑下去”

6. A  根据上文take one’s eyes off…把目光从……移开。

7.C  父亲发现了水中的孩子,赶紧伸出手把他拉上来。reach out伸手去抓

8. A  根据上文kicking and screaming可知,小孩溺水受了惊吓,父亲把他拉起来时,他不想再玩,吵闹着离开。

9. A.  内疚使父亲觉得应该赞同孩子离开,但做“父亲的”直觉告诉他要同孩子继续留在池中。这样做的目的是培养孩子的勇气。

10. C  根据下文we must respect it,可知父亲告诉孩子水有时很可怕,必须小心(重视)。 C. scary吓人的,使人惊恐的。

11. B  父亲陪同孩子在水池四周漫步,过了几“分钟”孩子就平静下来, 不再感到害怕了。

12. D  根据下文such a bad father,及孩子差点淹死,所以父亲深感“内疚”, 认为自己是一位不好的父亲。C. disgraceful可耻的, 不名誉的    D. sorry

13. A  A. drown溺水

14. B  孩子沉入水中受了惊吓,父亲并没有马上带他离开,而是安慰鼓励他,慢慢消除它的恐惧心理。根据上文a terrific dad 可知,Lee Ann对孩子父亲的这种做法很“赞赏”。

15. A  父亲认为,Lee Ann救了两条命:儿子的命和他自己作为父亲的“命”。



16. an.        考查冠词,educational以元音开头。an educational present

17. Believing.  考查非谓语动词,parentsbelieve是主动关系。父母相信电脑是成功的关键,所以坚持……

18. be taught.  考查谓语动词,insist表示坚持主张时,宾语从句中谓语动词要用虚拟语气。 insist that sb. (should) do

19. that.       考查表语从句。

20. pressure.   考查词形转换,根据下文and wise educational decisions,可知and连接的两个都是名词。

21. without.    考查介词,根据前文Many schools are giving in ….可知是没有好的教育计划就购买了电脑硬件。

22. who.       考定语从句。先行词是those

23. because.    考查连接词。前后两句为因果关系。

24. another.    考查代词,前文已经出现过problem。在此,表示出现另外的问题。

25. where.     考查定语从句,先行词是前文的poor school districts。那些贫穷的地方没有足够的钱付给老师做报酬。





26. B  推理判断题。 通读全文我们可以看出作者母亲对子女要求非常严格。要注意前文虽然作者说母亲吝啬,但后文作者表达了对母亲的感激。

27. C  细节理解题。 根据文章第三段第一句,The worst is yet to come. 及第三句So while my friends slept, my mother actually had the courage to break Child Labor Law可知作者最不喜欢的是比别人早睡又早起。

28. A  推理判断题。 文章第三段中,母亲对子女的学习要求也是比较高的。My mother, however, would merely be content with black marks.母亲只对及格以上的成绩才感到满意。有这样一位严母的管教,孩子们会努力学习,取得好成绩。第三段中,只讲到break Child Labor Law,未提及punish, B项错。第三段中,our friends’ report cards had beautiful colors on them, black for passing, red for failing.及第四段中,She forced us to grow up into educated and honest adults 可知C项错。文章最后一段很明显表达了对母亲严加管教的赞扬,所以D项中的miserable不对。

29. D  推理判断题。母亲的严厉管教使孩子们受益匪浅。作者是怀着对母亲的感激之情写这篇文章。虽然一开头把母亲说成“mean(吝啬、刻薄)”, 但并不恨她。文章最后一段也说明了这一点。

30. A  判断作者意图题。作者用诙谐的语气将严厉的母亲形容成“吝啬、刻薄”, 讲述母亲怎样将子女抚养成有素质、诚实的人。



31. B  细节理解题。根据文章第一段They use credit cards in stores, restaurants, and hotels, at home, across the country, and even abroad.making it possible to withdraw or deposit money in different places, whether or not the local branch bank is open.可知。

32. B  细节理解题。根据文中cashless societyit's already here可知。

33. B  细节理解题。根据下文keep a wide range of records可知与记录有关。

34. B  主旨大意题。文章第二、三段围绕computer的使用。虽然在文中提到了A 项中approaches方法,但那不是主要意思。 Bsignificance of automation文中未提到。D 项只在第一段中提到。

35. C  推断题。文章从电脑用于管理信用卡开始,谈到电脑在许多方面给人们的生活带来便利。A. 项中disaster文中未提到。B. computer industry文中也未提到。由最后一段可知电脑用于许多不同类型的公司。



36. A   作者意图题。这篇文章都是介绍为孩子完成家庭作业提供文字、音频、视频材料的COSMEO网站。

37. A   细节理解题。文章首句提到了homework tool

38. B   细节理解题。根据第一段…to help achieve academic breakthroughs at home可知答案。

39. A   推理题。文中倒数第二段最后kid-friendly, interactive, appealing and fun可知COSMEO很注重材料的趣味性。

40. D   归纳总结题。根据倒数第二段Students who were exposed to their service in the classroom have been scientifically proven to perform 12 to 15 percent better than those who were not 及最后一段let kids learn in the way they learn best可知。



41. D  细节理解题。根据第一段中的China Daily 可知。

42. A  细节理解题。根据第二段首句your special requirements that the candidate must have a high command of English可知。

43. C  细节理解题。从第四段可知。

44. D  细节理解题。从第二、三段可知。

45.A  推理题。从最后一段可知。


第二节  信息匹配(5小题;每小题2分,满分10)

46. A  答案由 “laptop ”与“PC”及“something that can help him repair it ”与“PC Repair 可知。

47. D  答案由 “helps him find his way”  “See your track, heading, and waypoints” 可知他需要买全球定位系统。

48. C  答案由 “She reads books about different places in the evening. … especially China” 可知。

49. B  答案由 “he is fond of repairing things, … He wants a tool, ”  DIY fans best choice 及“by himself”与“DIY, 可知他需要买一个电动工具(电钻)。

50. A   答案由 “it’s inconvenient to print photos, …to display his photos easily ” 与“digital photo display”可知他需要买数码相框。




第一节  基础写作(1小题,满分15)


Born into a wealthy family on December 11, 1911, Zhejiang Province, Qian Xuesen was so clever that he was regarded as a “super talented” boy in his childhood. Having graduated from Shanghai Jiaotong University in 1934, he went to America for his further study and gained his doctor’s degree in the Science of Astronomy. Since he returned to China, he has devoted all his life to China’s AnA industry, taking part in the design and research of rockets and missiles as well as opening a new era of China’s Astronomy industry.

It’s for his outstanding achievements that Qian Xuesen is honoured as the “ Father of China’s Astronomy” and the “King of Rockets”. Qian Xuesen, a pioneer of China’s Astronomy industry, passed away in November, 2009 in Beijing.



第二节      读写任务(l小题,满分25)


The news above tells us that Guangzhou will start a traffic control drill from 17 to 20, July. The traffic control will stop cars running on road on some day. And the drivers who don’t obey it will get punished.

    As more and more cars are used, the traffic especially in big cities is getting heaver and heavier, which lead to the serious social problem--traffic jam. It has a negative influence on people's daily life and economic development.

To solve the problem of heavy traffic, effective measures should be adopted. First of all, more new roads should be constructed, and the old and narrow streets be widened and expanded, which can partly reduce traffic and speed up the flow of buses and cars. Moreover, our government should increase public transportation. More bus routes should be opened up because buses can carry more passengers. Lastly, riding bicycles should be encouraged. Because it is not only a reasonable way for people to reduce the traffic jams but also a good way for people to keep fit by cycling to and from their working place two times a day.

Though it is a difficult task, we should spend no effort to control it. Only when the problem of heavy traffic is solved, can we lead a more harmonious life.

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