
发布时间:2011-12-15 09:58:00


  151. all night long
  152. be about to do sth.
  153. nothing except / but
  154. at a high price
  155. stay long
  156. cover a.with b.
  157. so that
  158. in rows
  159. from now on
  160. in order to
  161. make sure
  162. knock sb. down
  163. obey the rules
  164. break the rules
  165. in the past
  166. wash away
  167. take a look at
  168. take a picnic
  169. a great many
  170. agree on
  171. supply sb. sth
  172. all over the country
  173. at the crossing
  174. plenty of
  175. as soon as possible
  176. set up
  177. spend …in doing / on sth.
  178. as follows
  179. fall off / down
  180. for quite a while
  181. a great part of
  182. on the morning of
  183. the number of
  184. cut off
  185. at 5.3 centimetres a year
  186. as a result of
  187. it is said that
  188. do one's best to do sth.
  189. change a. for b.
  190. a waste of money
  191. make a decision
  192. go up
  193. bring down
  194. get sb.to do sth.
  195. be used to doing sth.
  196. keep a record of
  197. thanks to
  198. at one time
  199. make plans for
  200. at home and abroad

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