
发布时间:2009-03-31 00:00:00

内容提要:完形填空是一种测试学生语言水平和实际运用语言能力的综合性题型, 它要求学生掌握词汇知识,习惯用语, 语法知识,句法结构, 而且要有一定的语篇领悟能力,逻辑思维能力和语言感悟能力,在考试中可以说是综合了现行的单选和阅读的考察。

5.4  “词汇的复现是指某一词以原词、同义词或近义词、概括词以及其他形式重复出现在语篇之中。词汇复现的语用意义是使得语篇中的句子相互衔接和连贯,从而构成一个完整和有机的意义整体。大体上说,词汇的复现包括:原词复现、同义词复现、近义词复现、概括词复现和注释性复现。具体指某一词以原词,指代词,同义词,反义词概括词等重新出现在整个文章的前后,并起到了衔接全文的作用。如何利用词汇复现帮助我们解题呢?不妨先看看下面的例子:
eg. The parents said that most of the homework was a waste of time, and they wanted to   56   it. Spain and Turkey are two countries which stopped homework already. (2003,春 上海卷)
56. A. delay     B. stop   C. block   D. prove
eg. And the clerk confirmed that his plane was leaving at nine o’clock three days form that day …Since he was   44   in three days, Andy didn’t lose any time. (2003 春, 全国卷)
44. A. moving      B. returning     C. staying      D. leaving
eg. The afternoon passed pleasantly with a few laughs and some small talk, and then Mark went home …“ …I had planned to run away and I was going home to pack my things. But after we spent some time together   52  and laughing, I realized that …”  (2003 春, 北京卷)
52. A. talking      B. playing     C. reading     D. watching
eg. How does a tooth go bad? The 51  begins in a little crack in the enamel(珐琅)covering of the tooth. This happens after germs and bits of food have 52  there. Then the decay slowly spreads inside the tooth. In the end, poison goes into blood, and we may feel quite ill. (2002, 上海春季招生)
51. A. destruction    B. decay    C. fault  D. hurt
52. A. stored         B. collected    C. laid  D. piled
上文中讲蛀牙如何产生。 空51和红体单词在意义上是一致的, 属于同义词复现现象。
eg. The strange thing was that practically all the students went to class, and very few people stayed up late at night. Only the new people stayed up or ___ class. (NMET2000春)
   A. attended      B. took       C. missed   D. studied
   文章中or连接的是并列成分,所以空格中的内容应与上文went to class 构成相反的意义,该题属于反义词复现现象。
5.5 通过上下文语境解题指的是通过分析句与句之间的逻辑关系,根据上下文的同义词, 环境, 对比, 因果,转折及用途等线索,前后顺序及前后文中提示与解释的关系,猜出文中的生词和缺失的单词。文章是一个具有内在联系的整体,而上下文则是营造语境的基础,也是逻辑推理的依据。通读全文,理顺大意,根据上下文找出信息词是做好完形填空题的关键。近年来,完形填空题在命题设计上的趋势是朝着深层化及语境化的方面挖掘,逐渐摈弃单纯的语言分析考查,而越来越侧重逻辑推理判断。就空格设空而言,体现了以实词为主,虚词为辅的特点,而且几乎不暴露明显的语言错误,词语在特定的语境中所表达的隐含信息大都无法光凭字面或单从个别句子甚至若干句子的表面理解获知。这就大大加强了干扰项的迷惑性,从而提高了试题的难度值。因此,只有借助上下文乃至全文语境的启示或限定如某个话题的总结或再现,才能够准确做出判断。
eg. On the whole, I think I am a better person for having gone to the school. I can read and write as well as anyone else my age, and I can think better. That’s probably a real big difference between the free school and regular school-the amount of ___. (NMET2000, 春)
   A. reading     B. gardening     C. teaching    D. thinking
该段落强调作者比同领人更会思考,且这一点是Free School 和正规学校的最大区别。结尾处是对上文的总结,属于话题同现的情况。
eg. Todd was working at his gas station at night when he heard over the radio that a bank in Long Island had been broken into  by an armed man who had killed the night guard and got away with $150,000. “One hundred and fifty thousand,” Todd whistled. Here’s a fellow who just walks into a bank and helps himself to so much money. Todd thought of the ___ with which he managed to get the amount of money he needed to start his gas station. So many papers to sign, so much money to pay back.
    A. satisfaction   B. difficulty   C. disappointment   D. spirit
填此空时,应该充分利用上下文,对照上文的语气:武装分子抢钱如此轻巧!而自己赚钱却是如此麻烦,其中manage to 也有一定提示作用。
eg. I played a racquetball game against my cousin Ed last week. It was one of the most 36  and tiring games I’ve ever had. (NMET 2003)
36.  A. encouraging   B. hopeless    C. surprising   D. regular
eg. It was an early morning in summer. In the street, sleepily-eyed people were moving quickly, heading towards their ____ .
  A. jobs             B. homes         C. buses         D. offices
eg. No man can change the weather. Nobody can control the weather. But if we 1  correctly the signs around us we can what the more changes in the weather will be. This way of telling what the  weather will be like the following day or two is called weather forecasting.
1. A. see        B. look           C. read         D. watch
2. A. tell        B. speak          C. talk          D. point
上面是一段文章的开头, 开篇第三句就用了but, 由此可以推断后面的内容和人类可以认识,掌握天气现象有关,这样就不难选出空缺的词了。而下面的例子则是考查学生先判断转折关系再填过渡词了。
eg. I had an auto repairman once, who, on these intelligence tests, could not 38 have scored more than 80. 39 , when anything went wrong with my car, I hurried to him and he always 40  it. (NMET 2002)
38. A. always     B. possibly   C. certainly    D. frequently
39. A. Then      B. Thus        C. Therefore    D. Yet
40. A. fixed      B. checked   C. drove   D. changed
eg. The native people said they 38  (knew of ) this creature and called it the “Yeti”, and they said that they had 39  caught Yetis on two occasions 40  none has ever been produced. (NMET 2001)
39. A. even      B. hardly      C. certainly       D. probably
40. A. as          B. though      C. when            D. until
位于39空前的两个分句存在着递进的关系, 而该句又和后面的分句存在转折关系,据此可以判断答案。
eg. People of Burlington are being disturbed by the sound of bells. Four students from Burlington College of Higher Education are in the bell tower of the 26  and have make up their minds to ring the bells non stop for two weeks as a protest. (NMET1999)
26. A. college     B. village     C. town      D. church
eg. One thing we all do now and again is to lose our 54 with a friend and close relatives. The odd thing is that we more often display great 55  towards some one we are fond than towards 56  . (NMET 2002 上海卷)
54. A. mind         B. memory  C. manner      D. temper
55. A. anger        B. interest    C. love    D. respect
56. A. strangers   B. friends    C. relatives  D. colleagues
在日常生活中人们通常会对亲戚朋友或者自己发脾气,但却不在陌生人身上。 加上more…than…的句型,则可以判断出答案了。

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