
发布时间:2010-06-25 13:50:00


    Teacher talk: Look at the blackboard. Let's check every sentence one by one. Who can tell us if this sentence is correct?

    Do you have another way to say this?

    Which one do you think is better?

    Task four: retell the whole passage

    Highlight: to absorb the best expression_r_rs in mind orally

    Ask students to write the whole passage.

    Ask students to comment after reading other other's draft.

    Ask students to memorize and retell as much as possible really.

    To comment on the students' language performance (mainly the sentence structure and also the correctness of tensed verbs) and learning strategies (mainly being willing to ask for help, to cooperate, and to resort to circumlocution) to give suggestions for their study.

    Task difficulty:

    The teacher must have a whole picture of the lesson and a clear mind of where to go in spite of the occurrence of unexpected events from students. Those unexpected events mirror the present cognitive state of the learners and therefore are worth dealing with carefully because they can serve to promote them to a higher level.

    The following might help the learners:

    l to write their answer on the blackboard

    l to make them compare each other's version

    l to ask them to comment the sentences, based on the whole-part relation

    l to have them rewrite the articles

    l to have them output the article orally with a faster pickup of the language

    l to tailor the length or offer more assistance if it is beyond the ss' ability

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