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(Beautiful Essay)美文+录音20篇

来源:英语周报 发布时间:2009-09-02 18:21:00 查看次数:

内容提要:Is it worth it?Put first things firstThe power of encouragement

Put first things first

  A young ensign had nearly completed his first overseas tour of sea duty when he was given the opportunity to prepare his ship to “set sail”.
With a stream of crisp commands, he let all the sailors go up on deck, and soon the ship was driven slowly out of the channel.
The ensign’s efficiency was remarkable. In fact, the talk was that he had set a new record for getting the ship underway. His bubble was burst, however, when he was handed a radio message from the captain.
“My personal congratulations on completing your underway preparation exercise according to the book and with amazing speed,” it read, “but next time wait until your captain goes aboard before getting underway!”
What good is a ship without the captain? The ensign did all the right things, but he never did the most important thing!
It is a matter of priorities. You may accomplish a great deal every day. But are you accomplishing the truly important things? Have you put first things first?
In work and study, in the areas of mental, physical and spiritual health, are you truly doing the important things?
More people find success in deciding what is truly important and doing it first. And if some of the other “stuff” never gets done, will you miss it?
Today, will you put first things first? And how about tomorrow? And the next day? If so, you will one day discover that you are building a life that counts.

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