
发布时间:2017-04-13 08:53:00



①【潍坊市2017届高三期中联考】 The major construction work on the world's longest cross-sea bridge, which connects Zhuhai in Guangdong Province with Hong Kong and Macao, ____________(complete) last week.

解析:答案为was completed。本句中which引导非限制性定语从句,主语The major construction work与谓语动词complete构成动宾关系,且谓语动词用第三人称单数,根据last week可知,应用一般过去时。

②【河南四校2017届高三尖子生联赛】 Over the past few years, Noether's work ____________(get) the recognition it deserves; she was honored with a Google doodle on her 133rd birthday, March 23, 2015.

解析:答案为has been getting/has got。根据时间状语Over the past few years可知,本句用现在完成进行时或现在完成时。

【备考策略】 动词时态有时通过充当时间状语的介词短语、副词或从句等确定,但有时虽然给出了时间状语,但此时的时间状语有着较强的干扰性和迷惑性,考生要具有逆向思维的能力。这就要求考生结合具体语境仔细判明所填动词的动作到底发生在现在、过去还是将来,是经常性、正在进行还是已完成。


①一般现在时:often, always, usually, seldom, every day, sometimes, every few years, now and then等。

②一般过去时:the other day, yesterday, in the past, last year, a year ago, just now(刚才), once upon a time, the day before yesterday等。

③一般将来时:tomorrow, next+时间, in an hour, in the coming/following week, in the (near) future, soon, the day after tomorrow, later on等。

④现在进行时:now, right now, at present, at this moment, these days等。

⑤过去进行时:at that time, this time yesterday, at 6 p.m. yesterday, all the morning yesterday, then等。

⑥将来进行时:this time tomorrow, at 4 o’clock tomorrow afternoon等。

⑦现在完成时:just,recently, lately, up to/till now, so far, in/during/over/for the past / last few years, for two years, since then, by now, ever since, in the recent days, many times等。

⑧现在完成进行时:for two years, since then, every day over the last few months等。

⑨过去完成时:before 2016, by the end of last year, until then等。


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