
发布时间:2014-03-28 10:33:00


1-5 CBACB   6-10  DADBC      11-15  DBCDA

16.after           17. where         18. which            19. the       20. from

21. pretending       22. What       23. hung         24. tightly        25. me

26-30 DBACB  31-35 BCBAD  36-40 ADCAB 
       41-45 CDBAB 46-50 CDFAE

51. What is the use of the Internet in the future classroom? / What is the Internet for in the future classroom? / What role will the Internet play in the future classroom?

52. How will students take exams in the future?

53. What will students need to study/ learn in the future? / What is necessary for students to learn/ study in the future?

54. Three months.    55. New technology.      56. The Internet.

57. How to use information rather than knowing information.

58. That’s the key to success in the future.

59.However       60.kindly       61.surprised          62.answer       

63.strange      64.ill        65.realized/realised  


The students of our school had a discussion about whether the Oral English Test should be kept or canceled. Students who disagree to cancel OET think that English is a very important tool for communication. Besides, listening and speaking are two of the basic skills which should be paid more attention to. On the contrary, students who show disagreement think that cancelling OET can reduce the students’ stress so that they can have more time and energy to learn other objects. In addition, OET is unfair to the students in the underdeveloped areas.


The writer mainly tells us not only students but also other people would feel stressed on different occasions. Also, he gives some suggestions on how to reduce pressure.

It’s quite natural for us to feel stressed occasionally, at an exam, or when speaking to a stranger. So it’s of great importance to have a right attitude towards pressure.

As Senior 2 students, we have to deal with some grown-up problems and make decisions by ourselves. Family can be one of the biggest causes of stress. We also have lots of stress from school, either from our classmates or teachers.

In order to reduce pressure, first, a balanced diet and enough sleep are necessary; secondly, I would schedule my study properly so that I can have time to do sports or listen to music. In order words, I would try every means to relax myself and work with high efficiency to achieve my goal.

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