
发布时间:2015-05-18 18:19:00



完形填空1-5 BDAAC     6-10DDBCC  11-15 ADBBA

语法填空16. another  17. expectation(s)     18. but 19. about    20. that 21. unluckily     22. to visit           23. what     24. would happen 25. she

26-30 CAADB 31-35 ADDCB  36-40 DBCDC  41-45CCDBA  46-50 DBFEA


Wolf Totem, written by Jiang Rong, is a Chinese novel about the experience of a young man who once worked in Inner Mongolia in the 1970s. The book praises freedom, independence, teamwork and strong-mindedness before hardship while condemning the ecological disasters caused by human beings. The book became the bestseller immediately after its publication in 2004, selling 50,000 copies in two weeks. It was later translated into dozens of other languages and adapted into a film with the same name, directed by French director Jean-Jacques Annaud. After the film was on show throughout China in February, 2015, the novel became the focus of public attention again.



1The writer makes some friends in GermanyThe writer likes to be with her friends.

2The writer’s friend has to leave.

3The writer and her friend have to say goodbye.


The writer enjoys friendship in Germany but has to say goodbye to her best friend since he’s moving to Spain, which makes her sad. However, she can only give him best wishes.

This reminds me of a similar experience of leaving my best friend Jane when we finished our study at a junior school in another province. I would move to this city with my parents and continue my study in high school here. Unwillingly, I had to say goodbye to her, who I wouldn’t see for a long time.

After the graduation ceremony, we hugged each other, exchanged small gifts, and finally said goodbye. But we decided that we would go to the same university after leaving high school.

Life is full of meetings and partings and there are moments when good friends have to part, so we should take it easy while parting friends. After all, there are many ways for us to keep in contact and we have chances to meet again in the future.

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