发布时间:2010-05-04 19:40:00
Haisong Jiang, who slipped past a security checkpoint on Jan. 3, causing a shutdown of Newark Airport, pleaded guilty to defiant trespass.
Haisong Jiang, center, talked to reporters outside Newark Municipal Court on Tuesday.
“那时我和女友非常火热,没有想太多,” 周二,28岁的江海松在事件发生后首次接受采访时说。事件造成机场关闭6小时,之后的5天警方一直在追捕江海松。“我无意在机场惹是生非。”
"At that moment, I'm very excited with my girlfriend, and I didn't think too much," Mr. Jiang, 28, said Tuesday in his first interview since causing the six-hour shutdown at the airport and the five-day manhunt that followed. "I didn't mean to cause trouble at the airport."
周二,江海松因擅闯禁区被新泽西州纽瓦克地方法庭判处100小时社区服务和500美元罚款,并承担158美元的法庭费用。在法庭上,江海松承认自己闯入机场安全区。在回答主审法官Richard E. A. Nunes提问时,他用汉语做答,再由翻译翻译成英语。经检察官和江海松的律师Eric B. Bruce协商,他将在以社区服务来“赎罪”。
On Tuesday, he pleaded guilty in Newark Municipal Court to the charge of defiant trespass, and besides the community service, he must pay a $500 fine and $158 in costs and fees. He addressed the acting chief judge, Richard E. A. Nunes, with a statement in Chinese that was translated by an interpreter. In an agreement between prosecutors and Mr. Jiang's lawyer, Eric B. Bruce, Mr. Jiang will work off his punishment in community service.
A native of China, he moved to the United States in 2004 to study and met his girlfriend about a year ago at Rutgers University. She has since moved to California. He said little about her except that she is also Chinese and 26, and that they were still very much an item.
The lovebirds did the town over the Christmas holidays: shopping in SoHo, visiting the tree at Rockefeller Center, celebrating New Year's Eve in Times Square - the works. On Jan. 3, he watched her pass through security, but he wanted to spend more time with her. When he noticed the officer leave his post, he saw his chance, he said.
"I saw her at the exit," he said in nearly fluent English. "At that moment, I'm very excited for her. I didn't realize the consequences."
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