
发布时间:2011-06-18 22:01:00


9. Enemy at the Gates 兵临城下

Enemy at the Gates

Enemy at the Gates

  In 1942, Vassili Zaitsev (Jude Law), a shepherd from the Ural Mountains who is now a soldier in the Red Army, finds himself on the front lines of the Battle of Stalingrad. Sent on a suicidal charge against the invading Germans, he uses impressive marksmanship skills—taught to him by his grandfather from a young age—to save himself and commissar Danilov (Joseph Fiennes). Nikita Khrushchev (Bob Hoskins) arrives in Stalingrad to coordinate the city's defenses and demands ideas to improve morale. Danilov, now a senior Lieutenant, suggests that the people need figures to idolize, and publishes tales of Vassili's exploits in the army's newspaper that paint him as a national hero and propaganda icon. Vassili is transferred to the sniper division, and he and Danilov become friends. They also both become romantically interested in Tania (Rachel Weisz), a citizen of Stalingrad who has become a Private in the local militia. Danilov has her transferred to an intelligence unit away from the battlefield.。。

  斯大林格勒战役中,瓦西里(裘德•洛 Jude Law 饰)是一个威震部队的神枪手。他的好枪法百发百中,令敌人闻风丧胆。为了激励士气,树立榜样,瓦西里的战友——苏军文宣部军官丹尼洛夫(约瑟夫•费因斯 Joseph Fiennes 饰)在报纸上大量刊登瓦西里的英雄事迹,令瓦西里的形象更为高大。然而,坦妮娅(雷切尔•薇姿 Rachel Weisz

  饰)的出现,让瓦西里和丹尼洛夫都同时迷恋上了这个飒爽女兵。但塔妮娅喜欢的是瓦西里,这让丹尼洛夫大为妒忌。另一方面,德军派出了他们的狙击手康尼(艾德•哈里斯 Ed Harris 饰),让同是神枪手的他抗衡瓦西里。在硝烟弥漫的战场上,瓦西里和康尼开始了斗智斗勇的决斗。

10. Becoming Jane 成为简·奥斯汀

Becoming Jane

Becoming Jane

  Jane Austen (Anne Hathaway) is the youngest daughter of Reverend Austen and his wife (Julie Walters) and has yet to find a suitable husband. She wishes to be a writer, to the dismay of her mother and proud delight of her father (James Cromwell)。

  Thomas Lefroy (James McAvoy) is a promising

  lawyer with a bad reputation, which he describes as "typical" for peers of that era. After a bad first impression upon meeting him, Jane cannot stand the arrogant Irishman. She turns down the affections of numerous men, including Mr. Wisley (Laurence Fox), the nephew of the wealthy Lady Gresham (Maggie Smith). Wisley proposes, but Jane ultimately rejects him due to lack of affection. The mischievous Tom — later the inspiration for Pride and Prejudice's Mr. Darcy — continues his advances and Jane begins to take the idea of marriage seriously. The two get to know each other gradually, however, and eventually they fall in love.。。

  简•奥斯汀(安妮·海瑟薇 Anne Hathaway 饰)的一生是否如她的文字那样充满曲折的过程和完满的结局?《成为简》用传记方式描述她的一生:她的母亲竭力为她撮合婚事,对象是上层社会的有钱人。但是简不接受没有爱情的婚姻,认为女人要靠自己的能力去养活自身。于是,她拒绝贵族瓦斯莱先生的求婚,爱上了心灵相通的汤姆•勒弗罗伊(詹姆斯·麦卡沃伊 James McAvoy 饰)。好事多磨,有人从中作梗,导致汤姆家人并不赞成二人婚事,汤姆决定携简私奔。但是这样一来,汤姆的经济来源就会被切断,简亦将面临着世俗的压力和贫困的生活。到底二人在私奔路上会走得多远?会不会有美满的结局?

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