
发布时间:2009-10-10 12:35:00

内容提要:高中英语教学交流网 http://zshunj.cn

① 近年来,快餐在中国越来越盛行。

    例句:Today, more people speak English as their first, second or a foreign language than ever before.

    仿写:Today, more people in China enjoy eating fast food than ever before.

    例句:Today, the number of people who are learning English in China is increasing rapidly.

    仿写:Today, the number of people who enjoy eating fast food in China is increasing rapidly.

    ② 快捷方便,节省时间

    例句:Our legs were so heavy and cold that they felt like blocks of ice.

    仿写:Fast food is so fast and convenient that people can save time.

    例句:She found it difficult to settle and calm down in the hiding place.

    仿写:People find it convenient to eat in fast food restaurants so that they can save time.

    ③ 虽然美味,没有营养

    例句:Amazing as it may seem, Wednesday night was a quiet night.

    仿写:Delicious as fast food is, it has little nutrition.

    4. 策略四:立足课本,发展思维。

    我们现在使用的教科书所涉及的话题涵盖面很广,包括友谊、旅游、语言、音乐、体育、文化、娱乐、节日以及对未来的幻想等。这些话题贴近现实生活,富有较强的时代气息,易于引起高中学生的思想共鸣。因此,教师在每个单元的课堂教学活动中,应该充分利用每个单元的话题,创设情境,让学生展开讨论。例如:必修一第二单元话题是语言,可以设置讨论问题:Why do you think people all over the world want to learn English today? 或Why do you think people all over the world want to learn Chinese today? 必修一第三单元话题是旅游,可以设置讨论问题:Why do so many people like travelling today? 必修二第一单元话题是文化遗产,可以设置讨论问题:Why is it important to protect cultural relics and how can we protect cultural relics? 这些问题能够训练学生的逻辑思维。

