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来源:网络转载 发布时间:2015-07-18 16:25:00 查看次数:


8many改为much          考查代词。Much用来代指不可数名词Much money.

9.去掉What               考查句子结构。句意:我相信这是贴近大自然的最好的方式。

10. close后加to              考查固定短语。get close to靠近


It is reported that lours and shops in a small town were struck by a flood on last Wednesday.

It had rained for four days while the river finally flowed over its banks and flood the town.

Hundred of residents left their homes as the water flowed down the streets and into their house.,,

Fortunate, no one was killed in the flood and it caused a lot of damage and many people became homeless. Two farms near the river was destroyed. Rescue workers managed reach the people   there by boat. It’s the pity that many farm animals dead as the water rose.

【答案】【知识点】E2 短文改错应用文



1.on去掉  表示时间的名词前有lastnexteverythis等限定词时前不加任何介词,故去掉on

2.while—when/before while……期间,引导的时间状语从句中的谓语动词应该是延续性动词,题干中的flow是非延续性动词,故将其改为when,也可改为before

3. flood ---flooded  根据语境是过去时,故此处用flooded

4.Hundred—Hundreds  hundredthousand表示不确定的数量时用其复数形式,后跟of短语,故hundred改为hundreds

5.Fortunate—Fortunately  此处应用副词修饰动词,故将fortunate改为fortunately

6.and—but  此处的and前是没有人死于水灾,后面是但是水灾带来的巨大损失,前后是转折关系,故将and改为but

7. was—were  该剧的主语是two farms,故将was改为were

8. manage后加to  manage后跟不定式作宾语,故其后加to

9. the—a  根据句型It is a pity that……判断将the改为a

10.dead—died  题干中的animals后缺少谓语动词,dead为形容词不可作谓语,故将dead改为died


Dear Sir or Madam,

I’ve learned from the newspaper that your company is looking for a receptionist. I’m very interesting in the job and I’d like to apply to the position.

First of all, allow me to introduce myself. I had just graduated from senior high

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