《红日》英文版 Red Sun

发布时间:2018-12-26 18:00:00





Every time the sun goes down

And every time love comes around

And every time you’re all alone

Don’t cry or feel sad

Follow The Red Sun

Even when hope’s gone

And the Evening Star will guide us on our way


There are many roads in life and love brings us together

I remember all our moments

Close your eyes and I'll still be there

Watching the Red Sun we’re forever young

Never knowing, always dreaming of that day

We are there side by side

As the fire keeps on burning through the night

Still hold hands, close our eyes

We’ll never have to be alone

Where we will go

Every time the sun goes down

And every time love comes around

And every time you’re all alone

Don’t cry or feel sad

Follow The Red Sun

Even when hope’s gone

And the Evening Star will guide us on our way


Life will be a mystery when all we have is memories

Our love will last forever like the planets in the sky

Venus shined so bright when we kissed that night

In our photographs we’ll always be together

We are there side by side

As the fire keeps on burning through the night

Still hold hands, close our eyes

We’ll never have to be alone

Where we will go

Every time the sun goes down

And every time love comes around

And every time you’re all alone

Don’t cry or feel sad

Follow The Red Sun

Even when hope’s gone

And the Evening Star will guide us on our way


Follow The Red Sun

Even when hope’s gone

And the Evening Star will guide us on our way

Every time the sun goes down

And every time love comes around

And every time you’re all alone

Don’t cry or feel sad

Follow The Red Sun

Even when hope’s gone

And the Evening Star will guide us on our way


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