发布时间:2020-02-04 16:13:00
Part A
The wind has had some of its most dramatic effects on human history when it interacts with the energy of the oceans. It's an interaction that can have major long term consequences. But it can also bring short term disaster. The sea acts as a main store of the sun's heat There's more energy in the top 3 meters of the ocean than the whole of the atmosphere. By pumping this energy into the air, the ocean is constantly influencing the wind. A principle that is demonstrated each year: the hotter the ocean, the faster the air above rises.
dramatic [drəˈmætɪk] 戏剧性的
interact [ˌɪntərˈækt] 相互作用
consequence [ˈkɑnsəkwens] 后果
atmosphere [ˈætməsfɪr] 大气
demonstrate [ˈdɛmənˌstret] 演示
Part B
W: Hi, Tom. How was your summer vacation?
M: Good. I went to Beijing in August.
W: Oh! How did you like it?
M: Well, I have been there several times. This time I had a three-day tour and I knew there exists something different. I like it better now.
W: Really? What is the difference?
M: I have seen a lot of fantastic office buildings and some of them are of eco-design.
Question 1: 那是什么意思?What does that mean? / What is the meaning of it?
Answer 1: It means that the design combines environmentally friendly ideas. I visited one building with eco-designs. They helped cut energy cost greatly. Last year, that building saved up to 20 percent energy cost compared to other ordinary buildings, thanks to the various wonderful designs.
Question 2: 让你印象最深刻的设计是什么?What design impressed you most?/ What design impressed you best?/ What is your most impressive design?/ What is the most impressive design for you?
Answer 2: Well, I think what impresses me most is the high-tech curtain wall. For one thing, it is used to adjust temperature automatically in the building. The indoor temperature will not be affected by conditions outside. For another, it enables 90 percent of the office area to enjoy natural sunlight which makes people feel like closer to nature.
Question 3: 这栋大楼里还有其他新设计吗?Are there any other new designs in the building?/ Does this building have any other new designs?
Answer 3: Yes, of course. For example, there is only one elevator in the building. Many staff have to walk to their offices. At first, some of them complained. But gradually they realized walking is pretty good exercise to keep them fit. Another example is that the parking spaces are reserved mostly for small cars, so the use of small cars is encouraged.
Staff [stɑ:f] 全体职员
Question 1: When did Tom visit Beijing?
Answer 1: In August./ He visited Beijing in August./ Tom visited Beijing in August.
Question 2: How long was Tom’s trip?
Answer 2: Three days./ His trip lasted three days.
Question 3: What is used to adjust temperature in the building?
Answer 3: High-tech curtain wall./ High-tech curtain wall is used to adjust temperature in the building.
Question 4: How much of the office area can enjoy natural sunlight?
Answer 4: 90 percent./ 90 percent of the office area can enjoy natural sunlight.
Question 5: How is the use of small cars encouraged?
Answer 5: The parking spaces are reserved mostly for small cars.
Part C Retelling
梗概:Tom丢失珍贵手表,众人久寻未果,后来一个小孙子独自设法找到关键词:missing(丢失)search(寻找)in vain(徒劳)silence(安静)tick(钟表的“滴答”声)
The Power of Silence
Tom was an old man. He lived alone in a small village. His grandchildren visited him during their holidays. It was vacation time again, and Tom was happy receiving his grandchildren at home. The next day, he found his favorite watch missing. The watch was a gift given by his wife when they got married. Tom treasured the watch very much. Now, he was very upset. His grandchildren promised to find the watch for him. Tom told them that he last saw the watch when he was arranging things in the basement. The grandchildren decided to search there for the watch. But they searched for two hours in vain. Tom felt desperate. Then, one grandson volunteered to search the basement again and requested others not to follow him and to remain silent. Although the others were a little surprised, they agreed. The little boy went to the basement and sat in silence. Ten minutes later, he rushed to his grandfather with the watch. Tom was surprised with joy and asked how he found it. The little boy replied, “When it was quiet in the basement, I heard the tick-tick sound and found the watch.”
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