
发布时间:2010-03-08 13:51:00

内容提要:高中英语教学交流网 http://zshunj.cn


    Stop using the word "just" to describe yourself. Oprah says: "Stop saying that." I can't tell you how often I tell people that I'm "just" a yoga teacher, "just" a blogger, "just" an artist. I've been delving into my motivation for doing this - maybe I want to make certain that everyone else knows that I know I'm nothing special before they can size me up and judge me. And sometimes I think I use this phrase to lessen my accountability in certain situations. If I'm "just" an artist, how can I be expected to be smart with money, for instance? I also think I use it, subconsciously, to decrease my importance in the eyes of others. Whatever my excuses, I need to suck it up and cut the word from my identity once and for all.



    2. Build up men. In the words of Oprah: "The truth of the matter is, men do need to be made to feel like they're winners. They do need to have themselves built up." Yeah, I know. It's painful to read the first time, isn't it? I was so disgusted by this assignment when I first read it, I had a hard time implementing it in my life. But instead of being insulted by my stream of compliments, gratitude and ego-boosting, the men in my life seemed happier, more amenable to change and more relaxed. I hesitate to use the words "putty in my hands," but boy, are they far more susceptible to flattery than any woman I've ever met.



    Be conscious of waste. "Ask yourself, 'What can I live without?'" This has always been important to me, but is now my constant subtext every time I step into a grocery store, browse an online retail site or watch a television commercial. It's been good for my wallet. On the flip side, my husband worries that I'm not allowing myself anything special in my quest to live "without." He is probably right, and I'll need to learn where the middle ground is here.



    4. Stay clear about finances and don't spend money you don't have. Need I say more? The easiest part of this assignment is avoiding using credit; the tough part is the clarity. I cringe when it comes to my personal finances, and would much rather stick my head in the sand and hope that by the time I come up for air, we all go back to the barter system.


第1页 第2页
