B4U2 working the land 教学设计及反思

发布时间:2010-05-14 15:16:00

内容提要:这是在网络上转载到的  2007年浙江省高中英语课堂教学评比获奖选手教学设计及教学反思



新课标必修四Unit 2 Working the Land


Reading    A Pioneer for All People






Teaching Aims:

  1. Train students’ reading skills through skimming and scanning.

  2. Get students aware of the serious problem in agriculture.

  3. Get students to know about Yuan Longping and his super hybrid rice, thus leading students to understand the importance of his research and what he has been doing for mankind.

  4. By comparing the two persons, students learn to grasp the details and draw their conclusions.

  5. Through discussion, students are aware of some practical problems in farming.

  6. Get students to notice and learn some useful phrases.


Teaching Important Points:

  Improve students’ reading ability and help them understand the passage better.


Teaching Difficult Points:

1. How to find information with the help of some key words.

2. How to put what students have learned into practice.


Teaching Methods:

1. Brainstorm before reading to cause students to think about the problem existing in farming and give their suggestions.


2.     Skimming and scanning to understand the passage and find some facts.


3.     Evaluation to help students to use what they’ve learned to make a comment.


4.     Discussions in the form of group work to urge students to find information

and draw a conclusion, and to express their own ideas.


Teaching Aids:

1. a computer     2. a blackboard


Teaching Procedures:


  Step 1. Lead-in


  Greet students and introduce myself and my hometownZhoushan and show students some interesting places of Zhoushan.

  (T: Zhoushan is an island city with many small islands. Let me take you to make a picture trip. …If you plan to pay a visit, you’ll enjoy yourselves, I’m sure.)



  Step 2. Brainstorm


  Let Students compare three groups of pictures and tell the problem teacher is

worried about, then ask students for suggestions to solve the problem.


  (T: Great changes have taken place in my hometown, but now I get worried. There’s a problem. Have you noticed the problem? Can you guess what I’m worried about?More and more farmland has been used for buildings, but not for farming.)


  (T: We should produce more crops in the same fields. Maybe we can plant some special ricesuper hybrid rice.)

Question 1) Who’s famous for doing research in super hybrid rice in China



         (Yuan Longping.)

Ask students to look at the portrait of Yuan Longping and express their impression of him.


Question 2) What’s your first impression of him?


          (He looks like a farmer.)


Question 3) What causes you to think that he looks like a farmer?


          (His sunburnt face, arms and slim, strong body.)


Question 4) What do you know about him?

    Students say something about Yuan Longping if they can.


Step 3. Reading


Activity 1   Get students to read the passage quickly and do “True or False” exercise.

1. Dr Yuan’s kind of rice is the most suitable for China’s farmland.   (T)

2. Dr Yuan would rather work than relax.    (T)


3. Dr Yuan enjoys a simpler life than most rich and famous people.  (T)

4. Last year Chinese farmers produced five times as much rice as they did in 1950.  (F)   (four times)

5. Yuan is now circulating his knowledge in developed countries. (F)

(less developed)

6. Dr Yuan enjoys swimming and reading as well as playing the violin in his spare time.  (F)     (He no longer plays the violin now.)

7. Dr Yuan has dreams when he is asleep and also when he is awake. (T)


Activity 2   Get students to read the passage again and know the facts about Dr Yuan Longping and his hybrid rice to complete the forms.

                    facts about Yuan Longping


in Beijing in 1930


graduate from SouthwestAgricultureCollege in 1953


regard himself as a farmer; care little about spending money on himself and being famous;


play the violin, play mah-jong, swim and read


export his rice to be grown all over the world


facts about Yuan’s super hybrid rice


produce 1/3 more of the crop in the same fields; more than 60% of the rice in China from this hybrid strain


besides China, knowledge being circulated in India, Vietnam and other less developed countries to increase

their rice harvest


rice harvests being produced twice as large; 22% of people fed from just 7% of the farmland in China; the UN ridding the world of hunger


the rice being grown all over the world





Step 4  Evaluation


Question:  What kind of person is Dr Yuan Longping in your mind?

         (Possible words to describe Dr. Yuan: intelligent, confident, unselfish, modest, energetic, determined, active, hard-working…)



Step 5  Discussion


Activity 1  Compare Dr Yuan Longping and Jane Goodall and find their similarities and differences.

(Students have a discussion in groups of four and every member is offered a chance to express what he/she gets.)

  (Suggested answers:


  Similarities: 1. They spend their lifetime on their researches.


            2. They make great contributions to mankind and the whole world.                        


            3. They have their dreams and make great efforts to make them true.


            4. They both lead a busy life.


            5. They love their work with their pure love.


            6. They’re selfless and seldom think of themselves.


            7. During the work, they never give up but just keep on, so they’re determined.    . . .                                         


Differences:  1. They have been doing their researches in different fields.

2. They have different ways of working.

3. Their receiving education is different.

4. The difficulty in working is different for different sexes.

5. They two got different results of researches.

6. They hold their different dreams.)   . . .


Activity 2  Question:

Do you think Dr Yuan’s dreams can come true? Why do you think so? Give your reasons.

(Students discuss the topic in groups of four. After it, they choose a reporter to report their results.)



   Step 6  Homework

       Students are required to write a composition about a great or famous person with the help of some websites.










本节课(A Pioneer for All People)是涉及农业主题的阅读课,主要介绍水稻之父袁隆平及其科学成就—杂交水稻。





一.     教学模块的设计



同时,在group work 1中,将袁隆平与简.古多尔进行比较,去挖掘科学家的精神本质,也让学生复习Unit 1并培养了他们进行细节捕捉和归纳总结的能力。在group work 2 的设计中,以袁隆平的梦想为切入点,旨在让学生深层思考农业农耕的实质,发散学生的思维。


二.     学生合作学习的指导





一.     平台的搭建



二.     教学模块和容量




三.     多媒体课件



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