B4U2 working the land 教学设计及反思

发布时间:2010-05-14 15:16:00

内容提要:这是在网络上转载到的  2007年浙江省高中英语课堂教学评比获奖选手教学设计及教学反思




桐乡高级中学 沈萃萃






1.课堂设计新颖独特,环环相扣,层层递近,创意不断,给观摩老师留下深刻印象。导入部分的word hunt直击关键词,简明扼要;T or F questions引入课外知识,调动了学生参与的积极性;Personal information card贯穿整篇文章,使文章理解条理清晰;感动中国与论坛环节使整堂课上升到情感高度,让学生获得知识与心灵的双重收获。


2.指令明确充分,活动组织有效,以学生为主体,培养了学生的团队合作意识。group workteam work分工明确并考虑到学生思维活动的层次,都能有效地展开并且有较好产出, 着实体现了“以学生为本”和“课堂有效性”。






1.阅读部分处理不当,不能突出阅读课的课型。reading for details环节第一段设计了听力,第二段的“疯狂英语”效果不错,但留下了“后遗症”,导致学生在阅读第三、第四段时也读出了声。这些设计的缺陷是整堂课的软肋,模糊了阅读课的课型特点。


2.阅读部分停留在reading for information较多,而缺少reading for thinking,深度不够。如在找出袁隆平的hobbies之后应引发学生思考why,再可引出他的个性特征,而不是简单的找出文中提到的信息。











Teaching plan


Shen Cuicui

( TongxiangHigh School



Time: May 14-16, 2007


School: Quzhou No.2 High School, Senior Grade One


Teaching materials: NSEFC Module 4


Unit 2 Working the land --- Reading


Teaching aims:


1.       To get the Ss to acquire a good knowledge of Yuan Longping and learn from his good quality


2.       To improve Ss’ reading ability through various tasks


3.       To lead the Ss to discover the serious problem of hunger human beings are facing nowadays


4.       To help Ss make up their minds to make contributions to ending hunger like Dr Yuan



Teaching procedures:


Step 1. Lead-in

Play a “word hunt” game and search for four key words---“rice, farmer, pioneer, China” to present today’s topic---Yuan Longping.



Step 2. Warming up

A quiz: How much do you know about Dr Yuan?



Step 3. Pre-reading



If you are asked to write an article to introduce Dr Yuan, what aspects can you write about?



Step 4. Scanning


Scan the text and find out what listed aspects are mentioned in the text and what aspects we should add to the list.



Step 5. Careful reading



Listen to para1 and fill Dr Yuan’s “name, nationality, occupation, achievements” in his Personal Information Card.




1.       Pick out all the years mentioned in this para.


2.       Practise Crazy English: Read what happened in these years loudly and try to remember all the numbers and facts.


3.       Challenge your memory: Complete a timetable.



Look through para3 and fill Dr Yuan’s personality and hobbies in the card.




1.       Read through para4 and pick out the two dreams of Dr Yuan to complete his information card.


2.       Question: Why does he have so many dreams?


Personal Information Card


Name: _____________


Nationality: _________


Age: _______________



Occupation: ___________


Education: ____________


Achievements: ____________________


Personality: _______________________


Hobbies: _________________________


Dreams: _________________________


Step 6. Post-reading

Dr Yuan was awarded 2004 Moves China Top10. Work in groups of four. Three Ss play the role of MC and write an awarding speech for Dr Yuan. One plays the role of Dr Yuan and prepares a return speech. Then invite one group to act it out.


Awarding Speech


/ Return Speech








Step 7. Extended discussion


1.       Present some statistics to show the severe problem of hunger human beings are facing nowadays.


2.       Work in teams and hold a forum. Topic: If you had the chance to do one thing to help end hunger in the world, what would you do? Each team recommends a spokesman or spokeswoman whose job is to collect all the suggestions made by the team members. All the team members discuss with each other and think of as many ways as possible for their own team.


3.       Give a report.





End the class with four sentences: Follow the example of Dr Yuan. Be a dreamer and fight for dreams. Make our contributions to ending hunger. We can change the world.




Step 8. Homework


1.       Review new words and useful expressions of the text.


2.       Surf the Internet and find more information about Dr Yuan. Design a blackboard newspaper called “A Pioneer For All People”.