
发布时间:2015-02-05 18:49:00

内容提要:第一页是高一A卷, 第二页是高一B卷,第三页是高二A卷,第四页是高二B卷,第五页是基础写作评分标准。





第一部分 单项填空:(共20小题,每小题1分,满分15分)

1-5 DCBAC  6-10 ADABC   11-15 ABCBB

第二部分 完形填空:(共15小题,每小题2分,满分30分)

16-20:BACDD  21-25:ABCCA   26-30:DBBAC

第三部分  语法填空:(共10小题,每小题分,满分15分)

31.have raised/ raised  32. or  33.that /which  34. growing   35. able  

36. However         37. an  38. but        39. their      40.so/as

第四部分  阅读理解:(共20小题。每小题2分,满分40分)

41-45BAADC  46-50 AADDC  51-55A BDA B  56-60BDAFC 


第一部分 单词拼写:(10小题,每小题1分,满分10)

62. power  62.persuaded   63. native  64. disadvantages   65 rescue  66. advertise  

67 survived  68 worth   69. stubbornly   70.familiar 

第二部分 词组应用(5小题,10个空,每空1分,满分10) 

72. watch over  72. belonged to   73. gone through 74. paid to  75. as usual

 第二部分 基础写作:(满分15分)

Possible version:

Dear fellows,

   Being the chairman of the Students’ Union in our school ,I am invited to write a letter to you ,the freshmen ,which is my great honour. At first , congratulate you on your admission into our school . It’s of great importance for you to set a goal ,make full use of time and make a plan for your study. Therefore, I suggest that you should form good habits, such as previewing before class ,listening to teachers attentively ,taking notes and reviewing after class. In addition , as a member of our school , you are supposed to take an active part in after-class activities and get along well with others, which is the standard of a senior student .Finally ,I hope that you can adapt to our school life as soon as possible and that only with the help of teachers and classmates can you make rapid progress , realizing your goals.

  I am looking forward to your success! Take action!

                                                             Yours sincerely


