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来源:未知 发布时间:2009-03-31 00:00:00 查看次数:

内容提要:完形填空是一种测试学生语言水平和实际运用语言能力的综合性题型, 它要求学生掌握词汇知识,习惯用语, 语法知识,句法结构, 而且要有一定的语篇领悟能力,逻辑思维能力和语言感悟能力,在考试中可以说是综合了现行的单选和阅读的考察。

Scientists say that something very serious is happening to the earth. I will begin to get ____ in the following years. There will be major changes in ____ in the new century. Coastal water will have a ____ temperature. This will have a ____ effect on agriculture. In northern areas, the ____ season will be ten days longer by the year 2010. However, in warmer areas, it will be too dry. The ____ of water could _____ by eighty percent. This would _____ a large decrease in agriculture production.
World temperature could ____ two degree centigrade by the year 2040. However, the increase could be three times as great in the Arctic and Antarctic areas. This could cause the ____ one to two miters. Many coastal cities would be ____ water.
Why is this happening? There is too ____ carbon dioxide in the air. ____ oil, gas and coal burn, they create large amounts of carbon dioxide. This carbon dioxide lets ____ enter the earth’s atmosphere and ____ the earth. However, it doesn’t let as much heat ____ the atmosphere and enter space. It’s like a blanket. The heat ____ the sun can pass through the blanket to warm the earth. The heat ____ there and can’t escape through the blanket again.
Scientists call this the green-house effect.
1. A. warmer  B. colder   C. better    D. worse
2. A. land    B. agriculture    C. climate  D. weather
3. A. lower  B. higher  C. normal   D. proper
4. A. good    B. general   C. serious      D. useful
5. A. getting   B. playing   C. taking    D. growing
6. A. much    B. many    C. amount      D. number
7. A. fall  B. decrease   C. refuse   D. rise
8. A. lead   B. keep   C. make  D. cause
9. A. increase   B. drop     C. lift       D. realize
10. A. water    B. rain    C. stone     D. ice
11. A. degree     B. level       C. coast      D. area
12. A. by     B. to     C. of     D. with
13. A. above    B. under  C. below     D. over
14. A. little   B. many  C. few    D. much
15. A. If   B. Because    C. When     D. Why
16. A. sunlight   B. air       C. rain      D. gas
17. A. cold     B. protect      C. hurt    D. heat
18. A. enter     B. get    C. leave    D. reach
19. A. through  B. by     C. from     D. on
20. A. stores    B. arrives    C. stands    D. stays
key: 1-5 ACBCD      6-10 CBDAD     11-15 BABDC    16-20 ADCCD

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